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Showing posts with the label Mental health

Grab the day



The wins


Be bold.

The path to become indestructible.

Random thoughts

     It feels so proud if one can do this whenever possible.

Everyone starts with a clean Attitude

Everyone Starts With A Clean Mental Window Let's take a few moments to discuss why I say that your attitude is your window to the world. We all start out in life with a good attitude-or, should I say, a clean mental window. Just watch young children. They are always laughing and giggling. They have a sunny disposition. They love to explore new things. Consider the attitude of a child who's learning to walk. When he stumbles and falls down, what does he do? I'll tell you what he doesn't do. He doesn't frown or blame the carpet. He doesn't point fingers at his mother or father for giving him lousy instructions. He doesn't quit. Oh, no. He smiles, gets up again and  makes another attempt. And another. He keeps going for weeks and weeks with a positive attitude until he gets it right! His window is squeaky clean, and he feels like he can conquer the world.                                            But as you know, there comes a point where life starts throwing