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Showing posts with the label Attitude

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The path to become indestructible.

Random thoughts

     It feels so proud if one can do this whenever possible.

Management - An Art (Part 6)

  Worldwide specialities of Successful Managers Concept skills. (Long term vision. One time solution permanent solution.) Human skills. Technical skills. Design skills. (Best solutions to worst problems.) Administration skills. Decision making skills. Leadership skills. You can't be a leader as long as you are a follower.

व्यवस्थापन - एक कला (भाग 6)

यशस्वी व्यवस्थापकांची जगभरातील वैशिष्ट्ये संकल्पना कौशल्य. (दीर्घकालीन दृष्टी. एक वेळ समाधान कायम समाधान.) मानवी कौशल्ये. तांत्रिक कौशल्य. डिझाइन कौशल्ये. (सर्वात वाईट समस्यांचे सर्वोत्तम निराकरण.) प्रशासन कौशल्ये. निर्णय घेण्याची कौशल्ये. नेतृत्व कौशल्य. जोपर्यंत आपण अनुयायी आहात तोपर्यंत आपण नेता होऊ शकत नाही.

Management - An Art (Part 3)

 Management - An Art Innovation. Individual approach. Application and dedication - Mind application and intelligence, discipline, dedication, commitment. Result oriented. High productivity. Better relation. Disciplined work force. Good working condition. Increase in profit. Reduction in Absenteeism. Reduction in wastage. Initiative :- Doing right things at right time and right place. Intelligence :- Intelligent people are successful / Successful people are intelligent. Mental intelligence. Social intelligence. Interpersonal intelligence :- Managers work for money and intelligent people like businessman / businesswoman hire managers. Emotional intelligence. Science is systematic body of knowledge which universally accepted. A. Physical science     B. Social science Decision taken in management may just be one way of doing thing in the given situ

व्यवस्थापन - एक कला (भाग 3)

 व्यवस्थापन - एक कला नाविन्य. वैयक्तिक दृष्टीकोन अनुप्रयोग आणि समर्पण - मनाचा अनुप्रयोग आणि बुद्धिमत्ता, शिस्त, समर्पण, वचनबद्धता. निकाल देणारं उच्च उत्पादनक्षमता. उत्तम संबंध. शिस्तबद्ध कार्य शक्ती कामाची चांगली स्थिती. नफ्यात वाढ. अनुपस्थिति कमी. अपव्यय कमी. पुढाकार: - योग्य वेळी आणि योग्य ठिकाणी योग्य गोष्टी करणे. बुद्धिमत्ता: - बुद्धिमान लोक यशस्वी असतात / यशस्वी लोक बुद्धिमान असतात. मानसिक बुद्धिमत्ता. सामाजिक बुद्धिमत्ता. परस्परसंबंधित बुद्धिमत्ता: - व्यवस्थापक पैशासाठी काम करतात आणि व्यावसायिक लोक व्यवस्थापकांना नोकरीवर घेतात. भावनिक बुद्धिमत्ता. विज्ञान हे एक ज्ञानपूर्ण शरीर आहे जे सर्वत्र स्वीकारले जाते. A. भौतिक विज्ञान      B. सामाजिक विज्ञान व्यवस्थापनात घेतलेला निर्णय हा दिलेल्या परिस्थितीत काहीतरी करण्याचा एक मार्ग असू शकतो आणि काम करण्याचा एकमेव मार्ग नाही. व्यवस्थापन एक विज्ञान आहे  :- पद्धतशीरपणे निर्णय घेणे - योग्य वेळी योग्य स्त्रोताकडून योग्य माहिती. आउटपु

Everyone starts with a clean Attitude

Everyone Starts With A Clean Mental Window Let's take a few moments to discuss why I say that your attitude is your window to the world. We all start out in life with a good attitude-or, should I say, a clean mental window. Just watch young children. They are always laughing and giggling. They have a sunny disposition. They love to explore new things. Consider the attitude of a child who's learning to walk. When he stumbles and falls down, what does he do? I'll tell you what he doesn't do. He doesn't frown or blame the carpet. He doesn't point fingers at his mother or father for giving him lousy instructions. He doesn't quit. Oh, no. He smiles, gets up again and  makes another attempt. And another. He keeps going for weeks and weeks with a positive attitude until he gets it right! His window is squeaky clean, and he feels like he can conquer the world.                                            But as you know, there comes a point where life starts throwing

Attitude is Everything

A Definition Of Attitude Think of your attitude as the mental filter through which you experience the world. Some people see the world through the filter of optimism (the glass being half full) while others see life through a filter of pessimism (the glass being half empty). Let me give you some examples to explain the difference between a positive attitude and a negative attitude.  The person with the negative attitude thinks " I CANT ". The person with the positive attitude thinks " I CAN ". The person with the negative attitude dwells on problems . The person with the positive attitude concentrates on solutions . The person with the negative attitude finds fault with others . The person with the positive attitude look for the good in others . The person with the negative attitude focuses on what's missing . The person with the positive attitude counts his or her blessings .  The person with the negative attitude sees limitations. The person with the positive